??buddchari syndrome

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Here is a case i have seen:

A 32 year old woman from WB came with c/o  of weakness , decreased appetite ,distension of abdomen and weight loss since 9 months 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10years ago

In 2010 she got married  which was non consanguineous and  conceived spontaneously with in 1 year of marriage but when she was 7 month pregnant she slipped and fell down and had bleeding per vagueness ,when taken to near by hospital doctor declared intrauterine death at 7 months of gestation.she was depressed with low mood ,decreased interest in work ,disturbed sleep ,decreased appetite for about 1 month then gradually she got adjusted and became normal .
2012 to 2015  she was Taken treatment as she was unable to conceive .

In 2019 She conceived  and delivered  a baby girl 9 months after normal lscs was done ,3 to 4 days later after delivery they noticed distension of abdomen which increased gradually and they took treatment (urine output decreased )6 months back ?paracentesis was done .
Since delivery Pt feels weak ,she is doing household works but experiencing easy fatiguability .
She is saying that she is not interested in talking with people or watching tv.  According to patient sleep latency is 1 1/2 -2 hrs .After initiation of sleep she is able to maintain sleep .
Pt says that she is feeling hungry but wherever she eats /drinks she is having loose stools .
 There was even Loss of libido.

According to patient she lost 10 kg in past 9 months 
No history of usage of OCP  in between 
In 2018  years back history of pedal edema: lasted two to three months subsided on its own

During second preganancy History of slip and fall on floor at 4th to 5th month gestation for a followed by bleeding PV.
yellowish discoloration of eyes since 3 to 4 months

no complaints of pedal edema 
history of fever since 2 days high grade 
no history of vomitings, loose stools,h/o occasional cough,c/o generalized itching+
no history of cold, burning micturation

Not a k/c/o Diabetes ,hypertension, CAD ,asthma ,TB, epilepsy.
No addictions like alcohol ,tobacco, betel leaf .
On 10/12/2020
General examination 
Pt Is  conscious and coherent with mildly nourished and thin built.
Pallor +
Mild Bilateral  pitting edema up to ankle was present 
There was no cyanosis ,clubbing ,lymphadenopathy ,
Temp Was 105F
BP 100/70 mmhg 
SPO2 98 %on Room air
PR 127bpm
RR:20 cpm
Grbs : 88mg/dl
CVS s1s2+, no murmurs 
RS BAE+ And no added sounds 
Inspection :
Abdomen was distended ,engorged veins +,umbilicus everted 
Palpating : liver palpable below R.coastal margin, consistency was hard 
Spleen palpable below left coastal margin ,free fluid +,shifting dullness +
Percussion : liver span was 16 cms 
Auscultation : bowel sounds present 

Day 1-11/12/2020

 Chest x ray  AP view

 Patient was referrred to surgery because of pain in the breast ( she stopped feeding her child since 2 days )
Were she  Was said to have galactocele and advised to express the milk  .

Patient was then taken gynaecologist opinion I/V/O breast engorgement  she was advised to express the milk ,hot fomentation and Tab cabergoline (2 tabs )

Patient was taken to psychiatry  I/v/o post partum depression and For  IUD 10 years

Day 1 11/12/2020
1.Tab.aldactone 50mg OD
2.warm fomentation to bilateral breast and breast milk extraction 
3tepid sponging done.

Day 2 

1.Tab Aldactone 50mg OD
2.Hot fomentation to b/l breasts and breast milk extraction.
3.tepid sponging done


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